Pump unit with electronic mixing valve

Heating circuit supplier pump unit
- Space-saving, compact design
- Insulated, aesthetic
- Quick and easy assembling
- Mechanic friend therefore is more economical to build up
- Plannable mechanic costs
- Adjustable heating water temperature per heating circuit
- Reasonable price/value rate
- Long lifetime for the best quality components
Pump unit with servomotor mixing valve 3/4”
DN20 pump units can be connected to heating systems with powers up to 33kW, with a very
low energy consumption assured by high efficiency synchronous circulating pumps.
EPP insulation box (Measurements: 180x302x142 mm).
Centre distance 90 mm.
Especially suitable to manage medium-low powers in small rooms,
thanks to its centre distance of only 90 mm.
For power up to 33 kW (with Δt 15 K).
Maximum flow 1900 l/h.
Kvs value: 5.5
For an accurate measuring or for higher flows, please refer to the curves shown in the next page.
The unit for 1/2” (130 mm) circulating pumps consists of:
- Connection.
- 3-way mixing valve with adjustable by-pass. Through the bypass
(adjustable from the front part) it is possible to mix on the
supply line a quantity of water coming back from the return
line of the system, from 0 up to 50%.
- High efficiency synchronous pre-wired circulating pump (for the models that include it).
- Flanged ball valve supplied with in-handle thermometer (coded red, range 0°C-120°C).
- VFlanged ball valve with non return valve 20 mbar (which can be excluded by rotating the handle by 45°)
supplied with in-handle thermometer (coded blue; 0°C-120°C).
- “T” Connection for mixing valve.
- Connection.
Approximate data for applications in low and medium temperature heating systems
∆t |
Approximate power and flow of the installation
Recommended circulating pump
Residual lifting power
Approximate surface of the underfloor heating system
8 K
12 kW - 1300 l/h
Wilo Yonos Para RS 15/6
4,5 mH20
Up to 100 m2
8 K
17 kW - 1900 l/h
Wilo Yonos Para RS 15/7,5
5 mH20
Up to 170 m2
15 K
23 kW - 1300 l/h
Wilo Yonos Para RS 15/6
4,5 mH20
15 K
33 kW - 1900 l/h
Wilo Yonos Para RS 15/7,5
5 mH20
Working principle

During the regular working process, with the mixer completely closed on the recy cling for example, a part of the fluid is aspirated from the pump all along the by-pass line. This quantity of fluid (narrow blue arrow) represents 50% of the capacity of the mixer (red arrow). As a result, one has a very high delivery capacity and a reduced temperature.

Servomotor TRM20:
3 points servomotor for mixing valve, bidirectional,
Operating range of 90°, 230V, 105 s., torque 2 Nm. IP40.